There are creams and lotions available over the counter that will help improve the tone of your skin. Before using these products a person should take into consideration the condition of their skin and how severe the problem is. The use of skin lightening products has been linked to the increase in skin cancer. Skin bleaching creams can contain ingredients that are considered toxic chemicals and can cause serious side effects. No skin bleaching product should be used for more than four weeks and large areas should not be treated as this can cause discoloration of the skin.
Many of these products can also contain topical steroids and long-term use can lead to high blood pressure, diabetes and the suppression of the body’s natural steroids. The use of many skin lightening products can cause a decrease in melanin which will lead to a person being more likely to suffer severe sun damage to their skin. There are also pills on the market that say they will whiten the skin by using an amino acid found naturally in the human body. Since this pill is made of a product found in the body anyway it is considered safe by the manufacturers. It should not be used by people who suffer from vitiligo.
Exfoliating the skin will sometimes help lighten the dark areas of the skin. There are products available that contain both an exfoliating product and a skin lightening products. These products will not produce the lightening of the skin as much as other means but are not as harmful. Dermatologists are the best source of advice on skin lightening. They can recommend a product or procedure that will best benefit the condition and person. They do not recommend over the counter products since they feel they are too dangerous as many products may contain ingredients that should not be used on the skin.